Discover our services for Certified BUYERS.
Advantages of being a certified buyer
Presented by the Salone Internazionale del Giocattolo and Assogiocattoli, the exclusive TOYS MILANO PLUS service is dedicated to those Buyers who have attended TOYS MILANO in the past or can’t partecipate for different reason..
It is a kind of “extra edition”, accessible on line with a space where you can explore the new products showcased by our registered companies.
This service does not replace the physical show, already on the calendar for April 16 and 17, 2023, but stands alongside it and incorporates some new functions.
Advantages of the DIGITAL edition:
Participate in an extra edition (PLUS) that does not replace the physical show;
Discover the latest innovations offered by our registered companies, even the lesser-known ones;
Increase your own product range for the benefit of your end customers
Seize the opportunity to make contact with all the registered companies
Multiply your contact possibilities, boosting your business
Helpdesk service and support for the creation of customized meeting calendars with companies through dedicated WhatsApp chat